Our Parish
This joyful and diverse Catholic community in west Richmond, BC, was initially established as a mission to Japanese Settlers in the Steveston area in the 1930’s. In 1949, St. Joseph the Worker became a Parish. In 1963, land on Williams Road was purchased and in 1967 the present church building opened. From the very beginning until 2018 St. Joseph the Worker was staffed by the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. For many of the years, the Atonement Sisters were an incisive presence. Now, the Parish and School are overseen by the Canadian Holy Spirit Province of the Order of Friars Minor (OFM) with the support of a dedicated lay staff and engaged parishioners.
Learning about one’s faith is not intended for only a specific period of time in one’s life. Rather, it is an ongoing, lifelong process. At St. Joseph the Worker we strive to offer a variety of experiences that allow all members of our community to deepen their knowledge and understanding of our Catholic faith.
There are seven official sacraments of the Catholic Church understood to have been instituted by Jesus and given to the Church. Sacraments are ritual and efficacious signs graces inbreaking grace in the world.
In essence, “ministry” is carrying on the work of Christ in the present day. While altar-centered ministry (reading, serving, distributing, communion, etc) is the most common concept we have of the word, it is a far more inclusive term than that. Here at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, we currently recognize some 40 ministries and counting.
St. Joseph the Worker is blessed with a plethora of groups, large and small. Most of these groups are affiliates of large organizations serving the church around the world. Some of our groups could be considered ministries of the parish. Each group brings a particular charism. All support the mission of the parish to preach the gospel.
Welcome new and returning parishioners
The purpose of a welcome packet for new parishioners is to give information about their new parish, services offered and ways in which parishioners can offer their time in service of their parish. It is a way of saying, “this is your parish, here are the ways your parish can serve you, and here are the opportunities for you to be of service to others.” It is also an opportunity to thank parishioners for choosing this parish as their faith community.
Franciscan Friars
St. Joseph the Worker is served by the Franciscan Friars. Our Successors of St. Francis are members of the Canadian Holy Spirit Province, Franciscans of Canada, of the Order of Friars Minor. The 800 year-old Order founded by St. Francis of Assisi is one of the largest and most global Religious communities in the Church.
Governance Structures
Parish Finance Council
The Finance Council is appointed by the Pastor to provide monitoring and advice on the Parish’s financial obligations. The Council meets at least quarterly to review and approve the year-to-date financial statements, to consider for approval expenditures which are not part of the annual budget, and to monitor actual revenues and expenditures compared to budget. The committee, on an annual basis, reviews and approves the budget. The Council also reviews and approves the required financial reporting submissions to the Archdiocese. Annually the Council provides a financial report to the Parish and is available to respond to any queries from Parishioners. Throughout the year, the Council provides financial counsel to the Pastor on an as needed basis.
Parish Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee works collaboratively with pastoral staff and the liturgical ministries to enrich our public worship.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Parish Council is an advisory group to our Pastor and staff in all aspects of our parish life. The purpose of the Council is to come together to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of the parish.
Parish Education Committee (P.E.C.)
The Parish Education Committee (P.E.C.) consists of elected and appointed parishioners and the Pastor. It is responsible for setting school policy, oversight of the budget and personnel matters. The P.E.C. meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month and meetings are open to parents and parishioners.
Parish Staff
St. Joseph the Worker School
St. Joseph the Worker Elementary School has been one of the larger parish ministries since it opened in 1985. The school operates under the umbrella of Catholic Independent Schools in the Vancouver Archdiocese (CISVA). The BC curriculum is taught from a faith-based perspective, as the School strives to support both the spirits and minds of the children. The School is rooted in Christ-centered education, focusing on all aspects of a person – intellectual, physical, emotional, moral and spiritual. It strives to develop Christian leaders, responsible citizens and life-long learners.