The Liturgy Committee works collaboratively with pastoral staff and the liturgical ministries to enrich our public worship. The responsibilities of the Committee are:
- Preparation for Sunday Mass and long-term planning of parish liturgies across the entire liturgical year
- Co-ordination of these various ministries to ensure that they are carried out with a common understanding of the spirit and structure of the celebration
- Providing opportunities for spiritual and practical Formation for the various liturgical ministers and for the parish as a whole
- Evaluation of feasts and liturgical seasons celebrated
Pastor: Fr. Pierre Ducharme, OFM
Associate Pastor: Fr. Manoj Xalxo, OFM
Associate Pastor: Fr. Joseph Nguyen, OFM
Secretary: Laura Carandang
Altar Servers: Adelaide Dede
Environment: Karen O’Brien
Communion Ministers: John & Stephanie Nomellini
Hospitality: Darryl Hermary
Greeting Ministry: Susan Narciso
Lectors: Sandy Lopez
Music Ministry: Shellby Sy
For further information, please contact through the Parish Office.