Dear Parishioner,
Jesus so often appears as a Teacher before the unteachable. This Sunday, Jesus’ own story of dying and rising is rejected by Peter in particular. “God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you,” Peter barks back. Well, praise God, faith formation at St. Joe’s is less combative. See my latest Parish Visioning video on the question: What does Faith Formation mean for St. Joseph the Worker?
Youth Retreat
Speaking of Faith Formation, a modified and scaled back (all for safety reasons) annual youth retreat had been planned for this weekend. Unfortunately, expanding COVID-19 concerns have forced the cancellation.
First Communion
This Saturday evening, our last little group of first communicants approaches the Lord’s table. It has been beautiful to witness fifty-four children with their family’s cycle through thirteen livestreamed Masses over the summer. Next to get fifty-six young adults confirmed.
Project Advance
This year’s Project Advance campaign is progressing, but overall engagement has room to grow. All proceeds now given remain in the Parish. Support Project Advance by giving here!
Staffing Update
St. Joseph the Worker is losing one of our long-time employees to retirement. Sheila Moon is best known as the “bookings girl” to parish groups. That responsibility has been taken over by Lorna Robertson, the Parish Secretary. Sheila will continue to assist, as needed, with Safe Environment training and screening.
Blessings to Sheila!
And a blessed weekend to all!
Fr. Pierre Ducharme, OFMPastor