Dear Parishioner,
Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Deep in Ordinary Time, Jesus’ words rewind me to Lent. Then again, the never-ending rescheduling of the postponed may be disordering my psychological calendar. Perhaps it’s time, once again, to reconcile plans with reality.
Two long postponed collections have been officially rescheduled. Donations for the Good Friday Holy Land Collection will be forwarded to their destination after the September 13, 2020 weekend. Donations for Share Lent will be forwarded after the October 11, 2020 weekend. Anyone wishing to contribute to either of these should be mindful of these end dates.
Functioning, during a pandemic, means cleaning. We continue to have a need for volunteers on Sundays andhave urgent need of volunteers to clean after weekday masses. Contact Laura Carandang!
PREP and School
School is back, and so is Parish Religious Education. We welcome our St. Joseph the Worker School children back this week. PREP, meanwhile, begins on Saturday, September 26, 2020.
Most PREP classes will be offered remotely. The children will be invited to gather, voluntarily, one time per month. Contact Laura Carandang to register your child for PREP!
In an attempt to make this weekly message more relevant, and forward the news, I am linking this week’s Parish Bulletin. The Bulletin is, otherwise, posted on your parish website ( every week.
Social Justice
Always a priority for Christians, Social Justice is the third of three identified priorities for St. Joseph the Worker Parish. But What does Social Justice mean for St. Joseph the Worker? I attempt to answer that question this week. See the video below!
And have a marvelous weekend!
Fr. Pierre Ducharme, OFM