Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization with over 1.7 million members. This Order for men was founded in 1882 by Father Michael McGivney and named in honour of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the Americas. Father McGivney’s vision was a group of men in every parish who work for the Church and community. The Order has been called “the strong right arm of the Church”.

In this parish we are members of Council #10681 and the Fourth Degree. We hold regular meetings and stay very active in parish events. Our council holds Pancake Breakfasts, Prolife events, Fundraising for natural disaster relief like the recent flood in Philippines, dinner and dances for local charities (Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day), raise funds for school scholarships, control traffic and parking for parish events, blood donor drive, Pennies for Heaven, flowers for Mother’s Day, Altar Server’s appreciation, Joint Council events such as Basketball Tournaments, Golf Tournaments, basketball free throw event for elementary children, present rosaries for the First Communion children, and support special events such as the touring Shroud of Turin.

The Knights of Columbus are always looking for new members to join us for brotherhood, fellowship, fun and laughter. Membership is open to Catholic men 18 years or older. We recently formed an order for boys aged 10 to 18 called “The Squires”. This program provides recreational and service opportunities for young men.

Contact: Ed Panes (604) 271-8732 or Peter Sobrinho (778) 297-7114