Music Ministry

Music Ministry – 5:30 pm Choir

The 5:30 pm Saturday choir is a group of volunteers whose main purpose is to be the instrument of the Lord through singing and praising to God and with the blending of many talents and personalities for providing inspiration, warmth and unity to a service.

Contact: Tim Mah

Music Ministry – 8:00 a.m. Choir

The 8 o’clock choir leads the congregation in song. We celebrate the glory of God in music, and welcome anyone who wants to use their musical talents to do the same. All we require is enthusiasm and a commitment to attend weekly rehearsals. We rehearse in the church on Thursday from 7.30 to 9.00 pm.

Contact: Paul Pereira.

Music Ministry – 9:30 am Choir

Participation in the music ministry is an expression of my faith. All choir members are privileged and blessed to be a part of this ministry. It is my hope that the music compliments and enhances the liturgy and that God’s holy word set to music resonates and speaks to the heart of the listeners. May we fully participate in the liturgy by lifting our voices as we sing our praises to the Lord.

Contact: Oscar Sy

Music Ministry – 11:15 Choir

St. Augustine said “Singing is praying twice”. The members of the 11:15 choir,  agree. We believe that singing adds meaning to the liturgy. Singing brings people closer to God – it uplifts, inspires. We believe we are answering our call, we are saying “yes” to God by sharing our gift of music. When you are given a gift from God, it is your responsibility to share it. In sharing our gifts we help bring people closer to God. Our choir is a community within the parish community. We support one another, and feel more connected to our parish family through our involvement in the choir. We are blessed to share our love of music with our community.

Contact: Ivan or Susan Tse

Music Ministry – 1:00 Choir

The 1pm music ministry strives to encourage greater participation and worship by our congregation through a variety of genres of liturgical music. We use an eclectic and contemporary mix of instruments and songs in our celebration of the Mass.

Contact: Derek Hume